Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Activity 1.7

Dillard anticipated the cloud covering the bright sun to be a moment she would remember. As she watch the clouds move rapidly toward the sun she must have been tense, her muscles tightening as she brace herself for her first total eclipse.

"He believed that we could only understand ourselves through intuition, a process that required lots of introspection, lazy days contemplating our inner connections."(78) Meaning that each person must understand themselves they must follow their first mind; don't second guess themselves. Having the ability to think quickly, having the insight of your own mental process requires is needed.

Therefore, Dillard also displayed intuition, she knew that this total eclipse would have a profound meaning in her life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Sensitive Range

Comic strips have the ignitability to start great discussions from a variety of topics which can reach people of all age groups. Comics are often funny and short and with a touch of color and with humor a short story is told. Comics are known for grabbing the reader’s attention and entertaining them for a brief moment creating unconscious thoughts about the topic. The colorful pictures put the whole puzzle together resulting in a conversation, a conversation the author wants to bring to surface. Lynda Barry’s Today’s Demon: Common Scents comic brings an aroma of difference that helps emerge other issues as prejudice, acceptance and tolerance. Reaching a large age range can develop into a younger person impression to treat others as they prefer to be treated this goes well for her older audience as well. Barry’s comic created a message of difference and the message was carried throughout her comic. This difference was the fragrance swirling through each panel spreading the message of acceptance and tolerance. Barry’s comic makes an attempt to prove that people must examine themselves, remove their mask and accept people as they are. The bright color selection creates an impulse of alertness on the many details making the reader pay attention to the whole message from the facial expression to the many flavorful scents mention in the comic. Using humorous and colorful illustration seems to have been Barry’s attempt/method to alert her audience, to intensify the conversation of difference. This method is called an ice breaker, making the audience participate in the discussion. As the aroma of difference ignite there is a clear understanding that Barry’s purpose was to awake those sensitive topics that can trigger a reflection of how people must look at themselves before judging others, unmasking themselves. Barry’s message is that everyone is different; but God made them all. “Speaking in Tongues”, by Zadie Smith message is for people that are considered different to accept whom they are; therefore, accept you and your difference by unmasking yourself.
Creating a dialogue among people can become difficult, especially having a discussion about acceptance, prejudice, and tolerance which are the three main words I gathered as I read Zadie Smith’s, “Speaking in Tongues” essay and Barry’s comic. This composition will hopefully bring empathy and a better understanding that people are different; therefore, accept them the way they are and stop judging people because of the way they appear or smell the reference Barry use. This is a step we all can do to support one another from all age groups. This tolerance can create a change within that brings reason to unmask, to unmask what has been hidden, and to unmask what has been removed from the public initiating a self examination of acceptance. Smith included President Obama in her essay to show and prove that people that are multi voiced are have flaws they too try to cover up, to prevent from being exposed. Almost everyone has something to hide. Smith took a quote from President Obama’s 60 Minutes interview that displayed this mask, his mask that was removed maybe mistakenly, but removed and showed the President’s confidence in himself; some might call it cocky, or too sure of himself. Whatever we might call it, it is his character, it is him. “Hey, I’m not stupid, man, that’s why I’m president,” something it’s hard to imagine him doing even three weeks earlier.”(4) Smith stressed that the President would not have made that comment while being Senator Obama because he had to remain masked, and not reveal his mask nor say anything pertaining to “I” or “I am” to win the Presidential Race to the White House. During that interview Smith also noted how casually and culturally his mood was which concluded that he found comfort and the ability to exhale due to his great victory. Obama’s victory allowed him to display how proud, and how intelligent he was. President Obama comment was aimed to all that doubted him, his win to the white house showed how smart he really is. Barry’s comic speaks of unmasking as well when Little Barry mention of her family’s unknown smell. The girl was unsure of her family’s difference, but what she noticed was that others had issues and was concerned about it. Almost all the homes she visited made an attempt to cover up smells, masking their unknown issues. Her house wasn’t covering up, or masking who they are. “Of course the biggest mystery of all was my own house. I couldn’t smell it at all. I didn’t think it had a smell, which was strange considering all that went on there.” (54) She had to take a look at her family and try to examine what took place daily. Concluding that her house had the most activity and should total to a much louder smell did not make any difference to Barry, she accepted her family as is. Providing a twist of colorful humor expose many have pointed fingers at others among their friends and family; consequently, Barry comic announces that she is aware of this hidden discussion and it’s time to bring the discussion to surface. Utilizing smells to address the problem of prejudice helps direct the sensitive issues to an atmosphere where her audience are able to hear and understand the message without judging.

Having the ability to open the communication doors is a gift. This allows a dialogue to start peeling off layers of issues among people that are considered different. Different is not a bad word, it just means not the same. Speaking different languages, eating different food, or being born in another country does not make people inhuman. Obtaining knowledge and having the versatility to accept the difference is an achievement many wished they have. Being creative Smith discovered that being bi-racial gave her the skills and talent to communicate with both sides of her family. This gift Smith was born with was difficult to accept initially and hurtful because both sides of her family criticized her of her difference instead of tolerating her difference with acceptance. This might have been the issue for President Obama that allowed him to communicate very well with a large span of people. Smith expressed that it was difficult for Obama, the gift of communication and understanding both sides of the fence mainly because he has the capability which can become overwhelming. “Being many-voiced may be a complicated gift for a president, but in poets it is a pure delight in need of neither defense nor explanation.” (9) Smith and Barry had many voices. Smith knew it was different and was proud of her gift and was able to utilize it while working creatively. It triggered Smith into this creative poet installing her with this sight to paint words vividly. Barry figure it was normal and did not considered it different until one of her friends brought it to her attention; informing her of her family’s difference. Barry’s daily life is considered different to others, her Grandma was the interesting person in her family that displayed their difference as well as discussing the issues of being different and prejudice. “N’ako, Lynda! This duran fruits smells so badly but taste so goodly! You try it! God made it! My golly! Eat! Eat!” (60) The grandma displayed much information in this quote. The different type of food, language and smell are multi voiced multi language, and multi culture which is their life. This panel of Barry’s comic is hilarious because the Grandma want Little Barry to taste something that smells bad. Children do not like anything that smells, but in other cultures they have a large selection of different fruit and some of those fruits have an awful smell. As a child Little Barry’s concept of life was pleasant and she enjoyed learning new things, noticing the difference in others.
The ending of Smith’s essay gives the impression that it was obtaining a position for all who have stayed in Dream City. Dreamers remaining in Dream City cannot accomplish anything there; therefore, there is a need for them to remove themselves from their fragile state of being and face reality by fighting for who they are and accepting themselves. A select few might be understanding and have empathy towards them but; consequently, there is a need to face the issue without hesitation. “A hesitation in the face of difference, which leads to caution before difference and ends in fear of it.” (10) Overcoming any issues can be difficult because of the formation that is needed; this formation is what or how they create themselves to handle obstacles. The fear of the unknown creates the hesitation, being caution is a human reaction and feeling embarrassed of the task that only you, the person must accomplished. This is very similar to Berry’s comic where the girl realizes that she is like everyone else, God made them all. This was a self assuring moment the Grandma took upon herself to provide evidence that people are similar. Having confidence and know yourself; a message from Grandma. “You know, my darling, God has made every people! And every people makes ta-ee! And every ta-ee smells bad! Ask this lady does perfume come out of her pueet? N’ako, I don’t think so darling! It is not God’s way. You tell her!” (57) Grandma was trying to show her example that everyone has their own smell, their own issues they must deal with. Nobody is perfect. Little Berry realizing that she too had an issue and that was accepting the greatness of her original family, regardless what others say. Little Berry must have been feeling confused as a child trying to piece together mature feelings and categorizing those feeling into her personal world.
Comics are an ice breaker that brings open conversation from any location ranging from a water fountain at work to a classroom full of elementary students. Berry’s comic does a great job of elevating the importance of tolerance, of acceptance and of judging others. These sensitive issues have existed for several hundred years and an attempt to unmask people with these problems with difference might result in the reduction racism. Have Berry achieved her purpose of inclusion of all races, cultures, and languages? This separation of difference might be considered as today’s demons, but due to people taking a look at them has allowed a self reflection to motivate the change.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reflective B

**Reflective B**
The introduction to these clever writers can become overwhelming. Answering each question to your assignment as you try to interpret the writer’s message can result into a few all nighters. When discovering the writer’s purpose, then pulling in the strategies makes you feel as if you wrote an award winning paper – unit it’s edited. Well, that is how I felt as I wrote “Could it Be?” my Annie Dillard paper. It seems Dillard essay was written for people that read a book per day. These people usually enjoy the different angles and concepts the writer writes to keep their interest. My mind went crazy trying to find Dillard’s message. She talked about several insignificant items which created an elimination process that allowed me to draw into what was more important. Dillard’s essay caused me to work more then I wanted to. I had to think outside the box to find her message, and I’m still thinking about it daily. I expressed that Dillard purpose was to expose her new interest in technology with the persuasion of her friends. The “Speaking in Tongues” by Zadie Smith I felt was more vividly written. She allowed her words to draw pictures of her characters allowed me to feel their emotion. Some of her selected quotes I felt weren’t needed, those are the quotes from Obama’s book, but that was her purpose to spark a conversation. Smith notes that she is a poet and she provided enough information to make me understand her argument and where she wanted her audience to believe. Smith takes the multi voiced very seriously and I agree that it is a very serious topic because America was once known as the melting pot; therefore, people came to America from other countries and it was necessary for them to maintain who they were/are. There is a difference and Lynda Barry’s Today’s Demon: Common Scents comic shows a colorful, humorous illustration as Barry takes a flashback into her childhood, and during those days Barry is seen as an insecure, and an immature girl that was introduced to the real world of discrimination. Within the comic Little Barry was guided by her Grandma informing her of the crudeness and ignorance of people whom value themselves higher the others due to their difference. This comic I considered it very creative and considered it as an ice breaker to allow a larger age range to discuss the issue of difference, discrimination and acceptance. There were many topics to discuss and very difficult to narrow it down and argue the author’s purpose, and to discuss her agenda.
Started to think about Dillard’s essay brings a state of confusion because as I gathered quotes and interpreting them I found it to be very frustrating. Rereading my Dillard paper I realized that my first paper was also confusing to read. I made corrections sentence by sentence and moved around my quotes making my argument visual for the audience. The Dillard paper I attempted to display and show my argument that she was grieving of a love one and struggled to move on with her life. I interrupted that she was content with her lifestyle and was hesitant to open up to new ideas. I concluded that she became more interested into technology and attempted to persuade like minded to join her. I pulled a few interesting quotes but it was difficult to select them mainly because I did not enjoy reading Dillard’s essay. I argued that Dillard became aware that a need to step out of her comfort zone and brace for a difference was a pivotal moment. Surrounding herself among a new crowd of people and gaining a new interest Dillard began to enjoy the new environment and stated that, “It was good to be back among clever people.”(168) This quotes bring me to think of the clever people was Dillard’s friends who motivated her to experience something new, something creative which makes her appreciate them more than before. She discovered that it was alright to view her total eclipse as a moment of awareness. “He was a walking alarm clock.”(168) This quote makes a significant statement allowing me to see that Dillard was shocked, she was surprise by reality. Reality is a shock especially if what surface was the unknown. Learning new things takes time and patience but is worthwhile. Discovering the brilliancy of something new as technology creates a new perspective of how the world has advanced and by Dillard having no interest has passed her by. Dillard was eventually revitalized by her friends and new interest. One great quote I think was written creatively as I figured Dillard viewed life as seeking adventure and return back to her life. “On the broad lobby desk, lighted and bubbling, was a ten gallon aquarium containing one large fish; the fish titled up and down in its water.”(161) Dillard could have been that one fish in the aquarium seeking a breath of fresh air as well as she went up and down the hill to get a glimpse of the total eclipse, a breath of fresh air. The one fish in a ten gallon aquarium is Dillard watching the total eclipse and watching others respond and reaction to this once in a life time moment. I picture this as Dillard watching the world turns as if it was a globe spinning around at a slow speed on its stand as it finally stopped. I think Dillard wanted to know what happens afterwards, would the world change or the people might have been the puzzling question. Those few selected quotes helped me show how Dillard was reserved to change her ways and once she took those steps out of her comfort zone she was amazed at how the acceptance of her friends still welcome her as well as her new interest. She was able to observe her new surrounds and take notice how this new technology was viewed to others. How significant was this total eclipse in her life changing adventure? This format as I write about Dillard isn’t written in a clever style, it’s written in the simplest form because Dillard did not give me any motivation.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sensitive Range

Comic strips have the ignitability to start great discussions from a variety of topics which can reach people of all age groups. Lynda Berry’s Today’s Demon: Common Scents brings an aroma of difference with other issues surface into the atmosphere. Berry’s comic makes an attempt to prove that people must examine themselves, remove their mask and accept people as they are. Using humorous and colorful illustration seems to have been Berry’s attempt/method to alert her audience, to intensify the conversation of difference was creative. As the aroma of difference ignite there is a clear understanding that Berry’s purpose was to awake those sensitive topics that can trigger a reflection of how people must look at themselves before judging others, unmasking themselves. Berry’s message is that everyone is different; but God made them all.
Creating a dialogue among people can become difficult, especially having a discussion about acceptance, prejudice, and tolerance which are the three main words I gathered as I read Zadie Smith’s, “Speaking in Tongues” essay and Berry’s comic. This conservation will hopefully bring empathy and understanding that people are different; therefore, accept them the way they are and stop judging people because of the way they appear; this is what we all can do to support one another. This tolerance can create a change within that brings reason to unmask, to unmask what has been hidden, and to unmask what has been removed from the public initiating a self examination of acceptance. Smith included President Obama in her essay to show and prove that people who are creative, smart, and gifted also are human and have flaws they too try to cover up, to prevent from being exposed. Almost everyone have something to hide. Smith took a quote from President Obama’s 60 Minutes interview that displayed this mask, his mask that was removed maybe mistakenly, but removed and showed the President’s confidence in himself; some might call it cocky, or too sure of himself. Whatever we might call it, it is his character, it is him. “Hey, I’m not stupid, man, that’s why I’m president,” something it’s hard to imagine him doing even three weeks earlier.”(4) Smith stressed that the President would not have made that comment while being Senator Obama because he had to remain masked, and not show his true character nor say anything pertaining to “I” or “I am” to win the Presidential Race to the White House. During that interview Smith also noted how casually and culturally his mood was which concluded that he found comfort and the ability to exhale due to his great victory. Obama’s victory allowed him to display how proud, and how intelligent he was, and choosing not masking his hard work is considered honorable, I guess. President Obama comment was aimed to all that doubted him, his win to the white house showed how smart he really is. Berry’s comic speaks of unmasking as well when Little Berry mention of her family’s unknown smell. The girl was unsure of her family’s difference, but what she noticed was that others had issues and was concerned about it. Almost all the homes she visited made an attempt to cover up smells with a blanket of aroma. Her house wasn’t covering up, or masking who they are. “Of course the biggest mystery of all was my own house. I couldn’t smell it at all. I didn’t think it had a smell, which was strange considering all that went on there.” (54) She had to take a look at her family and try to examine what took place daily. Concluding that her house had the most activity and should total to a much louder smell did not make any difference to Berry, she accepted her family as is.

Having the ability to open the communication doors is a gift. This allows a dialogue to start peeling off layers of issues among people that are considered different. Different is not a bad word, it just means not the same. Speaking different languages, eating different food, or born in another country does not make people inhuman. Obtaining knowledge and having the versatility is an achievement many wished they have. “Being many-voiced may be a complicated gift for a president, but in poets it is a pure delight in need of neither defense nor explanation.” (9) Smith and Berry had many voices. Smith knew it was different and was proud of her gift and was able to utilize it while working creatively. Berry figure it was normal and did not considered it different until one of her friends brought it to her attention; informing her of her family’s difference. “N’ako, Lynda! This duran fruits smells so badly but taste so goodly! You try it! God made it! My golly! Eat! Eat!” (60) The grandma displayed much information in this quote. The different type of food, language and smell are multi voiced, multi language, and multi culture which is their world their reality.
The ending of Smith’s essay gives the impression that it was obtaining a position for all who have stayed in Dream City. Dreamers remaining in Dream City cannot accomplish anything there; therefore, there is a need for them to remove themselves from their fragile state of being and face reality by fighting for who they are and accepting themselves. A select few might be understanding and have empathy towards them but; consequently, there is a need to face the issue without hesitation. “A hesitation in the face of difference, which leads to caution before difference and ends in fear of it.” (10) Overcoming any issues can be difficult because of the formation that is needed; this formation is what or how they create themselves to handle obstacles. The fear of the unknown creates the hesitation, being caution is a human reaction and feeling embarrassed of the task that only you, the person must accomplished. This is very similar to Berry’s comic where the girl realizes that she is like everyone else, God made them all. This was a self assuring moment the Grandma took upon herself to provide evidence that people are similar. Having confidence and know yourself; a message from Grandma. “You know, my darling, God has made every people! And every people makes ta-ee! And every ta-ee smells bad! Ask this lady does perfume come out of her pueet? N’ako, I don’t think so darling! It is not God’s way. You tell her!” (57) Grandma was trying to show her example that everyone has their own smell, their own issues they must deal with. Nobody is perfect. Little Berry realizing that she too had an issue and that was accepting the greatness of her original family, regardless what others say. Little Berry must have been feeling confused as a child trying to piece together mature feelings and categorizing those feeling into her personal world.
Comics are an ice breaker that brings open conversation from any location ranging from a water fountain at work to a classroom full of elementary students. Berry’s comic does a great job of elevating the importance of tolerance, of acceptance and of judging others. These sensitive issues have existed for several hundred years and an attempt to unmask people with these problems with difference might result in the reduction racism. Have Berry achieved her purpose of inclusion of all races, cultures, and languages? This separation of difference might be considered as today’s demons, but due to people taking a look at them has allowed a self reflection to motivate the change.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sense...All Five Assign:2.4

Comic strips have the ignitability to start great discussions from a variety of topics which can reach people of all age groups. Lynda Berry’s Today’s Demon: Common Scents brings an aroma of difference while other issues surface into the atmosphere slowly bringing sensitive topics that creates different emotions. Berry’s comic is an attempt to prove that people must examine themselves, remove their mask and accept people as they are. Using colorful humorous illustration to probe into people’s mind and then reflect back on themselves puts the mirror into their hand. As the aroma of difference sparks there is a clear understanding that Berry’s purpose was to awake those senses. Reading Today’s Demon: Common Scents trigger all five of my senses and that could’ve been Berry’s method, to alert her audience, to intensify the conversation. Take a look at yourself using the sight sense, as in the comic Berry as a little girl noticed the difference in each home. Next the touch sense; feeling the emotions that comes with being different, as in the comic Little Berry was able to touch the neighbor’s cat building a relationship. Then there is the hear sense; listening to those selective words that brings an emotional reaction, also in the comic how one of the parents made malicious comments about others being different. Finally, the smell sense; noticing the variety of different scents and if it can be camouflage is the common thing must people do. All five senses were activated as I saw the clear purpose of Berry’s message which is that everyone is different; God made them all

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Beginnings has Arrived

Annie Dillard was very creative in writing “Total Eclipse” sending a message within a message. This style of writing can develop confusion with the first attempt of reading this different style of writing. It creates a spark of interest due to the creative messages that Dillard purposely placed within the text. This introduction of clever writing persuades you to make another attempt to reread Dillard’s essay to obtain the full messages. Attentive to Dillard’s issues and concerns brings a question to surface that she might be hesitate to admit. Was Dillard taking the beginning steps towards her acceptance that life continues after a life changing experience? The “Total Eclipse” vividly displays Dillard’s grieving for her beloved husband Gary which resulted in a stalemate, a motionless picture frame of life. Do understand the passing of a love one is very difficult to accept then admitting that there is a need to continue to move on without them can be unbearable. Dillard was content with her place in life, having no interest in advancement. Dillard’s moment in time was to make an announcement to the people who have been set into their ways of life; as Dillard had been. They too were also reluctant to adapt to the newness of life, but their time for change had arrived as well. These are people who consider themselves as frequent readers who have no interest in technology; as well as, educators who are known for reading and writing articles in magazines and newspapers. Dillard’s persuasion to gather the support of like minded people to seek and appreciate the new era, the 80’s, the new discovery in life, and advance technology. The 80’s technology was a huge success with the usage of machines that included a keyboard and a large screen where the typing on the screen was either white or green, these machines are called computers. Computers were beneficial to many for its usage of storage for large files of information. Dillard spoke of technology as it was introduced to her and how this new technology helped her release her motionless life after the death of her husband and move forward in her life, which develops into her new beginning. Further: while the mind reels in deep space, while the mind grieves of fears or exults, the workaday sense, in ignorance or idiocy, like so many computer terminals printing out market price while the world blows up, still transcribe their little data and transmit them to warehouse in the skull. Dillard’s “Total Eclipse” was her way of acknowledging that this new 80’s era was not a fade it was here to stay. These systems were beginning to be used for several things. Tune into the awaking moment as she takes notice with such surprise claiming (the student), “He was a walking alarm clock” (168), which at that instant she was willing and ready to walk out of her comfort zone and welcome a new interest in technology. It took one youthful, exciting person to bring Dillard back to life as if wind blew across her face to give her a jump start, as if a line of hope was at her reach, with a new purpose to enjoy life every moment and every day. Dillard had been introduced into a new world of technology which brings her into a new way of living. Moving forward to accept death and welcoming a new relationship with advance technology is a step towards Dillard’s revitalizing herself. She stressed that, “It was good to be back among clever people” (168). These cleaver people might have been advanced in science and technology as well as computers as they gathered together with the same interest of watching a total eclipse. These clever people might have been the energy Dillard needed to enjoy the moment.
Planning a trip to catch a total eclipse seems to be a welcoming of new discoveries. Anticipating for this change as the cloud moves slowly across the sun, and knowing it is approaching brings a brace for the interest in the scientific curiosity from within as well as acknowledging this can alert her into her newness. “Seeing it, and knowing it was coming straight for you, was like feeling a slug of anesthetic shoot up your arm” (170). A warm welcome with the determination to travel highs and lows, up and down hundreds of feet hills and having the perceptive that life moves rapidly as rushing through tiny walls of your veins and the anesthetic travels at fast speeds as if a rollercoaster creating a rush, a flash before your eyes as it works itself through the body as well as watching the total eclipse arrives. Take a moment in the past and reflect how the simple things can create such a profound notation that points to the simplest of life. As Dillard awaits in the hotel lobby she notice a fish tank and to bring that into her writing it directed me into what it takes to be living, the necessities needed as shelter, water, light and food. Dillard notice the fish movement and the effort it took to tilted upward as she did by taking an effort to reach a hilltop she also tilted upward to get a glimpse of the total eclipse. “On the broad lobby desk, lighted and bubbling, was a ten gallon aquarium containing one large fish; the fish tilted up and down in its water”(161). This ten gallon aquarium is the world with the sun light shinning over it providing light, which stimulates growth and helps to energize all living things. The fish floating upward with the mouth perched open to inhale air and goes back downward to its environment is very similar again to Dillard making an attempt to see the total eclipse with climbing hills and returning back to her environment afterwards. The conclusion is that there isn’t anything you can do to prevent it (eclipse or death). As it approaches accept it and adapt to it by welcoming the change. Watching an eclipse can become an new interest due to witnessing something that doesn’t happen often, as well as understanding death that it brings darkness as a eclipse which then the light surface in turns bringing acceptance of life.
Dillard’s memories flashed crossed her face as she realized that she must gather herself and acceptance was required for the change. She states that, “I was watching a faded color print of a movie filmed in the Middle Ages; I was standing in it, by some mistake” (165). Have Dillard been lost and in a state of confusion that once she got a glimpse of herself in the flashback she noticed it was bizarre and that she must progress. With Dillard agreeing with this newness she points towards her new level of life, new level of understanding, and a new level of acceptance. With this development it seems as if again she had awaked and exhaled all of her issues with life. As I reviewed Dillard’s essay again it seems that she had several moments where she had a total eclipse besides the real total eclipse. Dillard’s wasn’t completely filled. “It can never be satisfied, the mind, never” (Wallace Stevens, 169). The mind is an extension of life that must have a steady hand at attaining knowledge; it must be feed daily. Gaining knowledge often and having the will to improve is considered as feeding your mind leading to a plate of food for nutrition. As her level of life is feed she realizes that you’re never too old to learn new things. “The mind’s sidekick, however, will settle for two eggs over easy” (169). Those two eggs over easy are her first mind and second mind that’ll take two difference journeys. Dillard expressed that your conscience will lead you in the right direction by following your first mind and do not second guess yourself. Dillard’s acceptance to unknown territory is becoming more accepted to her new beginning. This gathers my thoughts that Dillard appreciated the progress she gained towards life and science which works together.
With such great progress Dillard must take steps to bring all aboard to her new found discovery. The interest that was gained was that understanding there are followers with a huge impact on technology. These clever people can make the most difficult turn to the simplest. “Later, under the tranquilizing influence of fried eggs, the mind can sort through this data” (169). Dillard realized that all this knowledge, the new data can run through your mind as you appreciate such greatness with the machines. All the things they are able to do, the huge memories are fundamental to gaining those educators, readers and writers to examine this newness and take advantage of it by allowing their curiosity to open the door.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lynda Barry Today’s Demon: Common Scents assignment 2.2

Smells goes away, but does prejudice?
The cleaver style Barry created her message in a comic strip to capture people’s opinion after reading a colorful text about difference and acceptance helped open up a dialog, to get people attention to respond to a sensitive topic which includes all ages. Using creative writing and adding the illustration with humor was her attempt to break barriers. The colorful illustration is very humorous, which seems to bring the readers into a moment where they too pictured themselves noticing things different about others but never concluded that others might consider them different as well. Berry’s first part of her title Today’s Demon is a living demon in the United States. This demon has created such stigma on people that are different, unfamiliar, and unprivileged especially since September 11, 2001, The World Trade Center terrorist attacks. That attack has created worldwide discrimination against people that are different and mainly people from the Middle East. But too there are other demons that have existed for hundrends of years and it might not go away, if we don’t locate “Dream City” as Smith describes. It’s today’s demon: Prejudice! The second part of Berry’s title Common Scents brings me to The Body Works store where they sale perfume body spray and they have a large selection of smelling, all beautiful scents. Just reading the title zooms attention to my nose sense. Berry’s creative form of writing is to gather all five of your senses and to analyze each panel using them. Smith style of writing creates a sense of taste once reading her title, Speaking in Tongues”. There must be a taste of style to communicate. Having the flexibility to select the form of language that is needed to communicate is considered as a great skill to have which can create opportunities.
Face to face communication is the form Berry used to address the smell issues with the two friends. This form of communication is very common, because it brings the message to both persons directly where they understand each other. Take notice of panel #1 on page 55 where the one of the children are discussing an issue her mother have with the other. This panel examines how parent teaches their children their beliefs without having any facts. This is called a learned behavior; therefore, the child will judge as the parent has taught which is one reason this DEMON still exists, today’s demon. Berry has a perfect example as one girl says, “That’s why I’m not sposta come over, cause the smell gets on my clothes, makes my mom sick”. (55) Wow that can become very hurtful information for a child that a friend parent has issues with them. There must be someone available that can provide some sort of empathy and understanding because that information can develop into a demon which creates an ongoing cycle. Smith speaks of something similar in her essay called “Speaking in Tongues”, where unmasking is being scrutinized to demonstrate how people can maintain a concept of themselves before the mask slides off and their true self is seen, or better yet, they’re busy pointing fingers at others and hoping people will not discover their real issues. “To a certain kind of mind, it must have looked like the mask had slipped for a moment’. (4) Trueness will surface and all will be informed of the facts, often what they are hiding is often exposed then their reality has changed. This parent with the issue of the smell her daughter’s friend sprays her home with disinfecting, air freshener spray frequently to cover up something, which creates an unpleasant smell as described as the bus bathroom smell.
Berry’s illustration was very creative on page 57 panel #1 mainly because a Grandmother are usually known for sitting on a couch properly as she explain and discuss issues with the grandchildren. This panel shows Grandma sitting almost Indian style and looking as comfortable and relaxed in her environment to stress the message hoping it is received well. As the Grandma chats with Grandchild there is a cigarette hanging from her bottom lip showing there is some focus and some type of talent as she used her multi voice providing significant information about people. The Grandmother starts the conversation off by informing her Grandchild that God the creator of all have made people and have made them similar. Grandma says, “You know, my darling, God has made every people! And every people makes ta-ee! And every ta-ee smells bad! Ask this lady does perfume come out of her pueet? N’ako, I don’t think so, darling! It is not God’s way. You tell her”. (57) Berry’s creative way of bring a tone to Grandma’s voice was effective as well as the message. The Grandma provide factual information for the child and felt it is alright to discuss it with whom every. This too stress that it is ok who you are and where your from because God has created people and no person is better than the other. That gives the child the confidence needed once the child had receive hurtful information from a parent. Maybe this conversation with Grandma established a pride in her culture and proud that her Grandma makes different foods that creates different smell. In “Speaking in Tongues” by Smith she too provide a unity among like people. “And the concept of a unified black voice is a potent one”. (6) Unity creates strength and many cultures develop this concept that plurality is the key to maintain their beliefs and culture. Remain together and support one another, regardless who try to create mishaps.
Berry’s comic strip helps make Smith essay relatable. Similar perception that is communicated differently to examine into today’s demon can become an ongoing discussion. This can break stereotypes and create a acceptable conversation among acquaintance. Instead of separating and pointing the finger a look in the mirror is needed to make a change.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Key Terms.....Assignment 2.1

“Speaking in Tongues”, by Zadie Smith is an interesting story where she elaborates on her experiences with choosing one voice which creates a singular voice but she prefer the plurality; having numerous voices. Smith is an artist and was able to appreciate others who (she pin point) also has the ability and understand the innovativeness in being true to self and others. She used great examples to address her issues. Shakespeare whom too is an artist, had the ability to simultaneously speak of the truth to many using his multi-voice that helped established his great followings. Using Shakespeare’s example helped vividly see Smith message in color.
Creating several different lifestyles can bring confusion not only to self but for others as well. “We feel that our voices are who we are, and that to have more than one, or to use different versions of a voice for different occasions, represents, at best, a Janus-faced duplicity, and worst, the loss of our very soul” (1). Imagine going to a party with school friends and bring along your best friend. There will be two different persons at that party self and school self will be present. Speaking correct English might be an indicator to your best friend that an adjustment had been made and might cause a conflict with friend because the familiarity among you two are gone. People that create such a difficult task for them are usually scrutinized by all. Speaking in several tongues and adapting to your environment is a creative way of understanding and communicating with a variety of people.
Being able to adapt to new situation is having the flexibility to meet the need. “But flexibility is something that requires work if it is to be maintained” (1). “Flexibility is a choice, always open to all of us” (9). Smith’s focus is that flexibility is up to you, yourself. Allowing a new outlook on something new and conquering it for a new experience can create a new side of you. There must be willpower to try it and it is ongoing throughout life. This varies from having the will to try new types of food, to traveling to different countries, to learning a new language. These are experiences people take that is considered as being flexible to the newness.
Multi (many) voices
The place for many voices is Dream City, where all understands each other. “It is a place of many voices, where the unified singular self is an illusion”. (4) Crossing barriers brings a new introduction to something new. Allowing you to hear and experience it creates a new self. Different languages and cultures are samples of multi voices/many voices.
Dream City
Yes, I’ve been there and have visited frequently. What about you? Or do you know how to get there, do you need directions? Once you arrive you’ll always visit. Dream City is where you go into yourself and develop a concept of where and how you going to achieve that task that will bring you to great success, while bring others along for this great adventure. “He had the audacity to suggest that, even if you can’t see it stamped on their faces, most people come from Dream City, too”.(4) Smith shows how many have wished and hoped to make a difference with the acceptance of difference. Dream City is a mental location where all is equal with the same goal.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


"Speaking in Tounges" by Zadie Smith is a familiar story to many. Finding yourself and accepting who you are instead of selecting what others want. Take a look at some of her quotes.

".....this is not the voice of my childhood."
The writer has changed, be away for awhile and adapted to her new environment. Seems as if her accent had changed and she must have experiment with dealing with both accents, her native and her adopted accent.

"I felt a sort of wonder at the flexibility of the thing. Like being alive twice". Developing two lifestyles was her creative method of dealing with her new self.

"How persistent this horror of the middling spot is, this dread of the interim place! It extends through the specter of the tragic mulatto, to the plight of the transsexual, to our present anxiety—disguised as genteel concern—for the contemporary immigrant, tragically split, we are sure, between worlds, ideas, cultures, voices—whatever will become of them? Something's got to give—one voice must be sacrificed for the other. What is double must be made singular".
Their normalcy has been confronted and they discover that it is uneasy for others to accept, it is uneasy for them to express, to explain their position due to others normalcy...that their is only one, singular way in this world. No such thing of two mixtures...that is unaccepted. Different is different and their is no acceptance into the realm.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What I Think!...will edit later....

Dillard’s total eclipse was that she had been set in her ways and felt that a need for her to change was not necessary. Dillard lost a loved one and her future wasn’t important until she had awakened into a world of newness. Yes, she was standing in a film being fast-forward and she could not recognize anything. As I continue to ready Dillard’s story, “Total Eclipse” I begin to think that her message was an announcement informing all that a movement has taken place and it was time for all to join the bandwagon.

“He was a walking alarm clock” (168). Being confronted that it was time for a change almost all understand that it can become very difficult to digest such shocking realization. Questioning yourself if it is time or are you being forced, pressured to wake up? Think of a moment of realization that hit you smack in the face, what were you able to do? Daily life experiences can become that alarm clock. Thinking back during a time where I felt it was a need for me to either remain with a company where growth was promoted or thinking it was time for me to start seeking new employment where the opportunity to grow within a company was encouraged.

Began to exam into some of her interesting quotes. “Usually it is a bit of a trick to keep your knowledge from blinding you” (164). Seems if Dillard is trying to express that sometimes when you have the full knowledge of a particular items it becomes difficult to step out of your familiar space to attain any additional information because you know it all. Therefore; you are preventing the progress to grow, preventing the progress to listen to others opinion to see if there is any additional information that will influence you to open your eyes, open your mind for room to gain a new perspective. I completely understand that quote mainly because we have all been there were we feel that we are a master of a certain subject and not anyone can provide additional information to persuade you for all the knowledge you gathered about that subject

Assign 1.4 Could it Be?

Wake up, listen and learn! Was Dillard taking the beginning steps towards her acceptance that life continues on after a life changing experience? Take note that Dillard had been grieving for her beloved Gary and decided to remain in that moment as if he was still currently present. Having no interest in advancement, Dillard was content with her place in life. Do understand the passing of a love one is very difficult to accept then admitting that there is a need to continue to move on without them can be unbearable. The story “Total Eclipse” was her way of acknowledging that this new 80’s era was not a fade it was here to stay. Tune into the awaking moment as she takes notice with such surprise claiming (the student), “He was a walking alarm clock” (168), at that instant she was willing and ready to walk out of her comfort zone and welcome the newness. It took one person to bring Dillard back to life as if she received a breath of fresh air blown across her face to give her a jump start, as if a line of hope was at her reach, with a new purpose to enjoy life every moment. Dillard had been introduced into a new world of the living. She stressed that, “It was good to be back among clever people” (168). These cleaver people might have been advanced in technology, they gathered together with the same interest and much interest in telescopes, cameras, and computers. Her moment in time was to make an announcement to the people who have been set into their ways of life; as Dillard had been. They too were also reluctant to adapt to the newness of life, but their time for change had arrived as well. These are people who consider themselves as frequent readers who have no interest in technology; as well as, educators who are known for reading and writing articles in magazines and newspapers. Had Dillard gathered the support of her followers to join her in this new discovery in life, advance technology?

Five Quotes Assignment 1.4/Part II

Dillard’s concern was to show that you’re never too old to learn new things. There must be some type of interests that would lead you to a plate of food for nutrition. “The mind’s sidekick, however, will settle for two eggs over easy” (169). Dillard expressed that your conscience will lead you in the right direction by following your first mind and do not second guess yourself. Maintain gaining knowledge often and having the will to improve is considered as feeding your mind. Knowledge is key.

As Dillard’s memories flashed crossed her face she realized that she must gather herself and acceptance was required of the change. She stated that, “I was watching a faded color print of a movie filmed in the Middle Ages; I was standing in it, by some mistake” (165). Have Dillard been lost and in a state of confusion that once she got a glimpse of herself in the flashback she noticed it was bizarre and that she must progress.

Dillard had a reality moment that caused her to become discombobulated. “Gary was lightyears away, gesturing inside a circle of darkness, down the wrong end of a telescope” (165). This sentence reflects that Gary has completely walked away from Dillard and slowly moving away from her as she watches him fade into the darkness but at the same time encouraging her to live life and enjoy the new era. This was a sign from Gary giving Dillard the approval to accept the change, to feed her mind with eggs over easy.

Dillard enjoyed her memories and they came with a smile. But it was time. Time to release her strong hold to elevate and understand the separation was for the moment. “At first it was pleasant; now there was no stopping it. Gary was chuting away across space, moving and talking and catching my eye, chuting down the long corridor of separation” (165). This is one of Dillard quotes that were self explanatory. It was time for Dillard to face reality and as she was faced with such a shock that she must accept it that there wasn’t anything that she can do. The moment of separation was a break from her old self and a new leaf must be turned.

Anticipating for this change, knowing it is going to come is an awaking moment. “Seeing it, and knowing it was coming straight for you, was like feeling a slug of anesthetic shoot up your arm” (170). The result was that there isn’t anything you can do to stop it. As it approaches accept it and adapt to it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Assignment1.3: Audience, Purpose, Context

Wake up, listen and learn! Announcing to the people that have been set into their ways of life and are reluctant to adapt to the newness of life the time for change has arrived. These unenthusiastic people has felt that due to their stage in life and their life experiences that it isn’t necessary to gain a new appreciation of any kind and the same is expressed towards new technology. The new era has caused hesitation among these educators who are frequent readers, the highly educated that have interests in reading and writing articles in magazines as well as newspapers, and of course the creative writers who create clever ways of showing and expressing their emotions. This audience seems if they have expressed that this newness will soon fade out.
Have Dillard taken an interest into technology as she mention of telescopes and cameras? Was that the moment that she realizes that it was great to be around clever people that took interest into the beginning era of new technologies like computers? As she describes herself as being dead and gone and grieving,”(pg168) was that a moment of great importance of being unwilling to accept the change at first, then moving forward in life and accepting it finally? The mind is a trouble thing to waste; therefore, on a daily bases people have the opportunity to learn new things, take classes to gain knowledge. Feed the mind and it’s satisfied. The blueprint has been set and technology is going to become better and more advance.
During the 80’s the world has changed. The page had turned and there were new fresh blank pages were new history can be written. Lifestyles were different and many were proud of who they are and were very vocal about this newness. The music included messages form sex to drugs to world peace. Communication was different to many, but the young students enjoyed this creative way of expression.